Sunday, April 17, 2016

2016 Season

4/15  Sprayed grapes and blueberries with dormant sulphur spray.  Almost too late with this early spring.  Temps in the 70's have really pushed things along.
Wine notes:  The cherry from last year is really looking good both in appearance and taste!  I hope we get a good crop again this year.  The tree is just starting to bloom.  On the downside, the blueberry melomel is simply terrible and will have to be dumped out.

4/24  Sulfur and captan.  Also sprayed blueberries and rasberries,  Add Nova to the mix next.

5/5  Sprayed with captan, mancozeb and nova.  Need to do some pruning.

5/15  Same as above.

5/26 captan, mancozeb, quintec.  Last mancozeb application.  Deer have been getting more fresh shoots than I care for.  electric fence next year. Tried a bottle of the 2013 Red the other night, last bottle I think, and it was surprisingly good.  I think I really need to let the reds age a bit.  Nice 2014 White Blend as well.  Still have a few of those. :)

6/7  captan and quintec.

6/19  captan and nova.  Grapes are looking great, with many, many clusters.  Very aggressive plant growth.  Japanese beetles are out in full force, threatening to be a huge problem this season.

7/2  Captan and nova.  Many grapes, heavy clusters.  Did get hit with mummy berries pretty badly, a number split open.  still looking for a very good harvest.