Wednesday, March 30, 2011

pH testing

What I did:
     Used the pH tester to check the soil acidity for each row in the vineyard


It's been awhile since I checked soil for pH, so I thought I'd see how things looked.  I used the rapitest pH meter.  First, you scrape away a couple inches of soil, then work up the soil for about 4-5 inches.  Add enough water and mix to create a muddy slurry.  
Then you insert the metal probe into the soil and wait about a minute to take your reading.  As you can see, the needle shows a pH of almost 7.  I am looking for a reading in the neighborhood of 5.5-6.5.  This reading was in an area where I will be planting the Frontenac Gris this spring.  I removed the Concords that had been growing there and perhaps they didn't do well since the soil needs to be more acidic.  I'll work some fertilizer for acid-loving plants into the soil, retest, and see how that looks.
My row-by-row results were as follows:
Row 1  Frontenac Gris                                                                      6.5-7 (almost 7)
Rows 2 and 3   Pergola (Niagaras, aurore, De Chaunac                     5.5-6, each row
Row 4  aurore, De Chaunac, Cayuga white                                        6-6.5
Row 5 Concords                                                                               6.5
Row 6 Reliance seedless, Frontenac, Cayuga White, Norton              6-6.5
Row 7 Nortons                                                                                  5.5-6

In all, things looked pretty decent. I realize this is only a pH test and I really know little about the composition of the rest of the soil and will look into what it will take to get it tested as well.

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