Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fifth Spraying

What I Did:
     Spray with Seven, Nova and Captan

     Well, they're back.  We were gone for the weekend, and I figured the Japanese beetles would be making their emergence any day.  So far, the numbers are not overwhelming, but I'm not getting too excited--it's still early.
I took this photo on one of the prairie plants, since the Seven took care of all the bugs on the grapevines.  I fully plan to stay on top of them this summer, and see if we can make a dent in their numbers.  Not that we haven't tried in the past.  Maybe we have made a difference with all the thousands we killed by spraying and just by dumping them into soapy water.  I'd like to think so anyway.
I was glad it was a very calm afternoon, since the white clover is in full bloom, as you can see, and our honey bees are busy collecting nectar.  I wanted to minimize any drift and there was virtually no breeze.
Moore's Diamond
Grapes are looking good.  We did notice some spotting on a few and a bit of what I would call "rust" on some.  So far, though, I haven't seen any sign of grapes splitting open or the bird's eye sign of anthracnose.  I'm keeping fingers crossed.  On the De Chaunac, though, I did find some blotchy, bluish discoloration.  I saw this last year on some of them.  I'll have to keep track to see if the discolored berries have problems.
Purplish discoloration  on De Chaunac
Later in the week, I'll need to do some more canopy management, since the vines are really growing vigorously right now.

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