What I Did:
Canopy cleanup, put netting on one row, Sevin spray, prepared electric fence
It was a hot morning, but lots of work had to be done. As you can see below, some critter has been attacking the seedless Concord grapes, which are beginning to ripen.
As you can see, this is an early ripening variety. Note also the clear signs of anthracnose. This is the only plant I have seen the disease on this year, thankfully. Maybe I'm beginning to get it under control. In the photo below, you can see many grapes which had been ripped off the vine. I suspect raccoon, though perhaps oppossum or, less likely, deer. My money is on raccoons. I also saw one of our other seedless varieties has been attacked, though it shows no signs yet of any color change. They don't seem to have bothered anything else. So, I decided to put netting on this row, since the birds have also been at some of the top grapes, and then string up the electric fence to discourage the mammals.
It will make canopy management a bit harder, but the grapes are too good this year to lose them to the raccoons. I might even set up the live trap as well.
I also took off quite a few low leaves and leaves on the back sides of the vines to allow better airflow and spray penetration. As you can see in the photo above, though, the Japanese beetles do their own share of work allowing air through the leaves. We think now the beetle onslaught was just delayed, as they are out in huge numbers right now. So, I did a spray of Sevin.
I likely killed as many as 5000 beetles today. They were really destroying some vines, and I couldn't let that go on.
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